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A modulator-demodulator, or simply a modem, is a hardware device that converts data from a digital format, intended for communication directly between devices with specialized wiring, into one suitable for a transmission medium such as telephone lines or radio. Modems can be used with almost any means of transmitting analog signals, from light-emitting diodes to radio


Process of Manufacture

The components and materials are inspected for any defects, before they are released for production. In the production line, the components are shaped and formed using appropriate tools and assembled an PCB and soldered. The assembled PCB are tested individually for desired performance on the Modem test set up (Network analyzer). The PCBs, display is fixed in an enclosure and inter-connected as per design. The complete unit is then tested for desired performance. The tested unit are then packed well for despatch to the customer.

Quality Control and Standards

1. All the incoming raw material and components shall be inspected for any defect before assembly.

2. The components that are used to control the functioning of the equipment shall be fixed in such a way that it should not cause any strain to the operator and shall be clearly accessible to the operator.

3. The functioning of each control knob shall be clearly indicated on the control panels. The control panel requires maximum attention and careful design since they form the main inter-action point.

4. The enclosures shall have accessibility for assembly, maintenance and service etc. Quality Specification 3-in-1 Voice/Data/Fax Integrated modem for Internet/Internet Access (56.6 kbps Voice/Data/Fax) DTE Data rate up to 115.2 kbps G3 Fax-send and receive rates up to 14400 bps. Production Capacity (per annum)

Pollution Control

The following steps are suggested which may help to control pollution in electronics industry wherever applicable:

  • In electronic industry fumes and gases are released during hand

soldering / wave soldering/Dip soldering, which are harmful to people as well as environment and the end products. Alternate technologies may be used to phase out the existing polluting technologies. Numerous new fluxes have been developed containing 2-10% solids as opposed to the traditional 15-35% solids.

  • Electronic industry uses CFC, Carbon Tetrachloride and Methyl

Chloroform for cleaning of printed circuit boards after assembly to remove flux residues left after soldering, and various kinds of foams for packaging. Many alternative solvents could replace CFC-113 and Methyl Chloroform in electronics cleaning. Other organic solvents such as Ketones and Alcohols are effective in removing both solder fluxes and many polar contaminants.

The MODEM Energy Conservation Act, 2001 has been enacted on 18th August 2001, which provides for efficient use of energy, its conservation and capacity building of Bureau of Energy Efficiency created under the Act. The following steps may help for conservation of electrical energy:

  1. Adoption of energy conserving technologies, production aids and testing facilities.

  2. Efficient management of process/ manufacturing machineries and systems, QC and testing equipments for yielding maximum Energy Conservation.

  3. Optimum use of electrical energy for heating during soldering process can be obtained by using efficient temperature-controlled soldering and desoldering stations.

  4. Periodical maintenance of motors compressors etc.

  5. Use of power factor correction capacitors. Proper selection and layout of lighting system; timely switching on-off of the lights; use of compact fluorescent lamps wherever possible etc.

Quality today is not only confined to the product or service alone. It also extends to the process and environment in which they are generated. The ISO 9000 defines standards for Quality Management Systems and ISO 14001 defines standards for Environmental Management System for acceptability at international level.



The information is provided by Tecquisition for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional legal advice. If you have any feedback, comments, requests for technical support or other inquiries, please mail us at

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