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Coding is Boring


Everyone is bored by something, but you don’t dedicate your life to something that bores you. Coding can be fascinating, it’s a mix of architecture, math, and language. People who think coding is boring don’t understand the intricacies, but developers know that coding is all about coming up with solutions and learning — how could that be boring?

Technology is everywhere – and where there’s technology, there’s coding. Coding is about creativity, it’s about building something useful. Learning to code allows you to dive into almost any kind of industry that interests you. So how could that be boring? We know it is very rude to answer a question with another question, but here we go: is making your dreams a reality most creatively and innovatively possible boring? We guess you are now answering yourself. It is true, sometimes coding can get a bit technical since programmers need to follow several established steps and rules to make things happen. But boring? Not at all! While coding, your children can turn their dreams into breathtaking, technological realities.

Coding will require them to design, investigate, analyze, create, test, and even play! Can you imagine your children getting bored while doing this in a fun, engaging and entertaining environment with some spectacular instructors and classmates from different cities and countries?

When you picture a programmer, you see an awkward nerd sitting in front of a computer busy with some boring and complex stuff. A lot of people have misconceptions that coding is boring, and developers have no creative skills. The best thing about coding is that it teaches you the art of thinking. When you build something from scratch after a lot of struggles you realize how amazing and exciting an experience it was. The truth is engineers love to express their creativity through programming. They break some complex problems into small pieces and then they enjoy solving these chunks using different methods. They don’t get bored in trying different methods, different patterns, and solving complex problems. Programming is the combination of art and science, and a lot of people also say it’s like poetry. Do you think that creating something out of nothing can be boring…think again??

No, never. When you got the fundamentals and you succeed in implementing and seeing the results, it could get addictive. You can lose track of time. When you get the essence of it, you could substitute it for Netflix, movies, or series. The reason many think it is boring is because of the false perception that coding is about sitting and writing long lines of codes. That truly sounds boring. But, no coders sit for hours and code. Most of the time in development is spent on thinking and formulating solutions to problems or breaking down the problem into smaller components, then analyzing and finding a way to solve the problem. And when finally, when you see yourselves your code running as you wish, the feeling is inexpressible. You would be craving for more.

Again, a belief not rooted in reality. The fact is that coding isn’t boring at all. Given that it entails developing computer technology found in cars and aeroplanes, video games and space exploration, coding can be very fascinating, especially to those who have a curious bent of mind. Coding is synonymous with computers, which means you’ll need coding wherever you need computers and that covers every field today. That’s what makes coding so relevant. Of course, personal preferences can vary, but coding is so not boring for so many people that you'll even find coders jumping to the profession from much flashier sounding backgrounds.



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