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GPUs are faster processors than CPUs

They are more powerful in some very specific functions/operations and they lack the capability for others. For example: Most of the GPUs...

Women cannot write good code

The popular myth that perpetuates the tech as being male-oriented is the belief that women are better in matters of art and abstraction....

Pong was the first video game

Despite numerous debunkings, the idea that Pong was first persisted. In the world of video games, Pong has long been erroneously...

Coding is Boring

Everyone is bored by something, but you don’t dedicate your life to something that bores you. Coding can be fascinating, it’s a mix of...

It’s Too Late to Learn To Code

Old people are out of touch with technology. That's the stereotype, anyway. This isn’t a myth so much as a mindset that needs to be...

One Language Is Better Than The Rest

Developers like to claim that one language is better than the other, but it’s not true. Every language serves a specific purpose and...

You need to be Good at Math for Coding

Learning to program involves a lot of Googling, logic, and trial-and-error—but almost nothing beyond fourth-grade arithmetic. There is a...

5G Internet will replace 4G

5G is touted as a game-changing technology, with the ability to dramatically boost the speed and coverage of wireless networks. It can...

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