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FM Broadcasting



FM was invented in 1933 by American engineer Edwin Armstrong, wide-band FM is used worldwide to provide high fidelity sound over broadcast radio. FM radio is a form of broadcasting transmission based on “frequency modulation.” With frequency modulation, it’s possible to impress audio signals into a radio-frequency carrier wave and maintain a high quality of sound.


During the early 1930s, the world was gripped by the impact of the Great Depression. For many, unemployment was a significant problem, and countless businesses struggled to stay afloat. Despite panic among many industries, the era of radio continued to thrive. Broadcasters throughout the United States were making billions of dollars a year, thanks in significant part to the innovations of Edwin Armstrong. It was Armstrong that was responsible for developing the regenerative circuit and superheterodyne receiver – two solutions that improved the quality of radio dramatically.

However, although Edwin made a huge difference to the quality of AM radio, he was aware of the technology’s limitations, which included issues like:

  • Limited audio quality.

  • Static interference from lighting and household appliance.

  • Nighttime interference caused by multiple stations working at the same time.

The history of FM radio began with the search for something that could reduce the static in the radio lines. Many of the initial pioneers of radio, including Lee De Forest and Guglielmo Marconi did everything they could to improve radio quality with antennas and other innovations. However, no-one seemed capable of eliminating the problem. Finally, in 1933, Edwin Armstrong introduced his revolutionary change to the broadcasting world. FM radio delivered a range of benefits over AM, including:

  • The ability to reproduce almost the entire range of sound that human beings can hear – thanks to a wider frequency band. This is known as high fidelity.

  • The option to send more than one signal at once in a process called multiplexing. The broader band of audio is often used to provide music for offices and stores.

  • The convenience of serving a wider area than an AM station – while using the same amount of power. The way that the FM radio frequency works means that it’s possible to serve a wider area, and the stations are cheaper to operate.

  • The ability to place stations closer together in geographical terms – unlike AM stations, the signals here don’t interfere with each other. You only here the stronger station with FM, not both at the same time.

In 1950s a survey in a Norwegian newspaper revealed that the government’s decision was mostly unsupported by the masses. 66% of citizens were opposed to the idea of shutting down FM radio.

The move away from traditional broadcasting meant that citizens had to buy adapters, and critics argued that the government was rushing the move to digital. Similar criticisms took place in the United States during 2009, when Congress pushed television broadcasters to eliminate analog television signals. However, in 2018, the BBC in the UK announced that they were dropping all plans to remove FM radio broadcasts.

According to the BBC, they believed there was no need to force millions of daily listeners to switch to digital transmission. Instead, the BBC believe that FM can continue to exist as part of a hybrid future, where they live alongside DAB frequencies and internet-based shows. The director of BBC radio, Bob Shennan is taking steps to protect the longevity of FM radio. He has urged broadcasters to work to ensure the survival of the media, stating that switching off analogue broadcasting could restrict listener choices. With thousands of radio stations continuing to broadcast around the world today, the history of FM radio isn’t over yet.



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