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Floppy Disk



A floppy disk is a portable computer storage device that permits easy handling of data. Commonly used with personal computers, notebook computers, and word processors


The manufacture of a floppy disk takes place in three phases. First, the disk itself is made, then the case is made, and finally the two are assembled. The procedure for 8- and 5 1/4-inch disks differs slightly from that for the 3 1/2-inch model.

Disk manufacture

First, the recording media (Mylar), in the form of stock roll, is coated with an extremely fine layer of iron oxide. The thickness of this layer depends on the size of the disk and the type of density. For instance, the layer thickness is 110 microinches for 8-inch, high-density diskettes and 35 microinches for 3 1/2-inch-high density disks. The coating for standard density diskettes is thicker than that for high density diskettes and is less coercive, meaning that it has less magnetic force. Next, the coated film is slit, and appropriate size disks are punched out with an automatic device similar to a cookie cutter. Each disk is then burnished or polished according to the required specifications and standards. 8- and 5 1/4-inch disks are now ready for insertion into jackets. For 3 1/2-inch disks, a stainless-steel hub is attached to the media with an adhesive ring. 3 1/2-inch disks are now ready for insertion into their plastic cases.

Jacket and case manufacture

The jackets of the 8-inch and 5 1/4-inch disks are cut out of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) stock to appropriate size, and the fabric liners laminated to them. Each jacket is then punched to appropriate hole and notch configuration. The drive spindle hole in the middle helps to center the disk in the disk drive. The index hole, when aligned with an index hole punched in the media, permits the drive to locate the beginning of each segment of data. The long, thin, oval hole, also called the head access hole, is used by the magnetic head to come in direct contact with the media. The write protect notch prevents data from mistakenly being recorded or erased. The relief notches keep the lower end of the head access hole from bending. After the apertures have been punched, the jacket is folded three ways, with only the top flap left open. The jackets are now ready for assembly. The case or shell of 3 1/2-inch disks is molded out of hard plastic. It has a rectangular head access slot. The lower shell of the case is assembled with the button, the wiper tab, the write protects tab and the fabric liner. The upper shell is affixed with upper fabric liner. The spring-loaded shutter assembly is now attached, and the two shells are connected at the top two corners.

Disk and case assembly

For 8- and 5 1/4-inch disks, the media is inserted into the jacket through the top. Each disk then undergoes comprehensive electrical and mechanical testing and certification. After the top of the jacket, which had been left open, is folded, disk assembly is complete. Each disk is then given a final visual inspection before being labeled and packaged for shipment. Assembly of 3 1/2-inch disks is very similar. First, the prepared media is inserted into the shell, and then the disk is tested and certified. The two shells are now welded at the bottom two corners and the assembly is complete. Each disk is given a final visual inspection and then labeled and packaged for shipment.

Quality Control

Quality control points are built into the process flow after each major operation.



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